Saturday, September 22, 2007

5 Ways In Which You Can Improve Your Relationship With God

In the pilgrimage of life, it is necessary to learn to distinguish the important from the urgent and the unimportant; the things of eternal value from the things of temporal value. (2 Corinthians 2:18 and Colossians 3:1) Start everything by asking yourself will it make a difference 5 years from now, 10 years, 100 years, 1000 years from now? Concentrate on those things which will last and make a positive difference further on ...Consider this:- what are people remembered for?- what are the most common wishes of those on dying beds?- what do they say they would have done differently if they were given a second chance? We were created to worship and to give glory to God (Isaiah 43:7). What is worship? It is not just singing. It is obeying God in everything. Every act of obedience is an act of worship. It acknowledges that God is sovereign in our lives. Obedience is better than even sacrifice before God (1 Samuel 15:22). How do you obey if you do not know what God desires or commands? Read on ….

1. Read God's Word Daily

God communicates through His written word. If you don't read it you will get out of touch. God also speaks to us in other ways. I reserve that for another day. As you read God's word, you get to know what He loves and what He hates. You get to know His promises. You get to know Him. When you believe what is in His word and act on it - that is Faith. Without faith it is impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11:6). Faith comes through hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). Reading God's word and meditating on it causes us to hear Him. For other ways of hearing God, read on…

2. Listen To "Good" Sermons

Listen to sermons in Church services, on the radio, on TV, etc. As you grow in your faith, you will be able to distinguish between the good and the bad. As someone said, learn how to get the meat and leave the bones without being critical of the preacher. When someone speaks, he or she may be speaking from God or themselves or even from an evil spirit. Apostle Paul used to distinguish his own opinion from that which came from God (1 Corinthians 7:10-12). Unfortunately some preachers do not do so. Some believe that everything they say is from God. Therefore ask God to give you discernment for yourself as you grow in your faith.

3. Read Books On Christian Spiritual Development

Learn from others' experiences in their walk with God and get enlightened and edified. In times of sufferings or hardship, after reading what others have gone through, we get the resolve to prevail over our circumstances through the grace of God. The Bible itself contains a rich history of the lives of people who lived victorious lives in spite of adversities. There are others who chose the wrong path and paid heavily for it.

4. Learn to Pray

Jesus Christ taught His disciples how to pray (Matthew 6:9-13). We should always have time to pray and talk to God. Ensure you start every day with the prayer Jesus taught. It is often called the "Lord's Prayer". It is more correct to call it the "Disciples' Prayer" as it is meant for us, His disciples. Pray it slowly and meaningfully meditating on each phrase.Although God knows our needs in advance, our prayers show our dependence on Him. As Jesus said "on our own we can do nothing". In brief, prayer involves:- Acknowledging God for who He is (our Maker, Defender, etc..)- Thanking Him what He has done (our salvation, our provision, our protection, etc..)- Praying for the wellbeing and needs of others (e.g. the sick, orphans, widows, family, friends, pastors, churches, government, leadership, etc..)- Praying for our own needs (progress, victory, abundance of his provision, etc..)Pray in Jesus Christ's name, the only mediator between God and mankind (1 Timothy 2:5). Jesus has promised that whatever we ask in His Name, He shall do so that the Father may be glorified in the Son i.e. Jesus. (John 14:13).It is said that prayers go to heaven - where God is. But God (manifested) presence comes down to dwell in... read on to find out.

5. Learn To Praise God

God inhabits the praises of His people. We should apply Colossians 3:16. We are to admonish others through Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs as we sign gracefully to the Lord in our hearts. Gospel lyrics (words of the songs) are more important than the tunes. Learn to sing the Gospel lyrics from your heart. Commit to learning a new gospel lyric (or hymn) every so often. You should also learn to sing the words in your heart.The book of Psalms is full of reasons of why we should praise God. It concludes by these words "Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord. Psalms 150:6" . Praise enriches your meditation.

All the best in your walk with God as you worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Paul Muinde, a humble servant and worshipper of Jesus Christ, House of Grace: developer of Digital Praise and Worship Partner - preparing an atmosphere of true worship in our hearts through Gospel lyrics.